Friday, December 19, 2008

The Debate Continues

Online Documentaries 4 U: Homeopathy: The Test

A very insightful documentary on Homeopathic research. In many ways it shows both sides of the story - it ends however with the Famous Randi proving Homeopathy and anything beyond science's ability to explain as bogus.

Many eminent scientists have staked heir careers and public humiliation by publishing research that proves Homeopathy works. Why is it that when Randi gets involved in a scientific experiment that  demonstrated positive results repeatedly the results suddenly change? Do you really believe world class scientists aren't following proper research methodology? That their studies aren't double blind to begin with? Or perhaps Randi is sabotaging studies as his reputation, career, and money are at stake!

Anyways I post this film because it really does provide an excellent overview of Homeopathy.

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