In light of the recent attacks on Homeopathy I want to share a wonderful article written by
Dana Ullman on the Huffington PostThere has been an increasingly vocal objection to Homeopathy being fueled and funded by the pharmaceutical industry as they attempt to shut down an affordable and effective form of medicine.
Especially if you're a sceptic, do some real research, find out how many hundreds of studies in vitro, on plants, and on people, have shown Homeopathy to be effectice. Even Darwin (in his recently published letters) showed with his own experiments on plants that Homeopathy has an effect.
If you've been helped by Homeopathy Please support Patients and Practitioners of homeopathy in the UK by signing this declaration at
Homeopathy Worked For Me. The UK's national health plan currently covers homeopathic treatment and citizens are at risk of loosing coverage. Even if you don't believe in Homeopathy this is about
freedom of choice.